Earn Money By Your PC Mouse!
In order to earn money one needs to work, and that meybe a hard work! But I suggest you a very simple solution.
This way works well and I myself used it about 6 months and earn more and more daily. It's as easy as you think. Opening some web sites I give you and registering your information. So, you start to earn money. You can try it just one time to see the effects. It won't take you more than 10 min.
If you want to try follow my orders bellow :
You must have an active E-mail address.
go to "https://www.alertpay.com/index.aspx" and register by clicking the Sign Up to create your Alertpay Account.
1) Choose your country.
2) Choose your account type> Personal ProPersonal Account> personal pro and then click next button.
Now you are entered the information page, so fill the information bellow:
Zip code
Country Of Citizenship
Home Telephone
Work Phone
Mobile Telephone
Date of Birth
Then click next button.
If you fill the correct information you will be entered the "AlertPay Account Login" page.
Here fill your "Transaction PIN". If you don't have it, just enter your password.
Then choose "Security Question #1 & #2" and give two diffrent answers.
Then enter the "Word Verification" letters and digits and check the "I agree to AlertPay's User Agreement" box and click the "register" buttom.
Now, to activate your account, go to your E-mail address and click the activation link which is sent to you. It meybe in your spam folder too.
Now, you have an alrtpay Account which you can use it.
After finishing the above steps you should go to the web site bellow:
In order to have an account here, you should click the "register" button in the upright corner of the site. Then enter your informations there.
In "Alertpay E-mail Address For Payments" enter yor E-mail address you used for Alertpay before and choose Your Country only.
In "refferer ( if any)" fild type "meysam_farzaneh" and then click "register".
Now log in and click "My Account"
Note: in order to your membership some money is sent to your account now.
Now click the "Surf Ads". Here you see about 20 to 30 links which changes hourly. If you click them, some money will be sent to your accont too. If try more you can earn 2$ each day by clicking the links. Note that when you klick a link, you will see a page opend. In that page there is a counter in up left corner which shows 30 seconds. You should wait untill it finishes and a see the "Done" with a green check beside. if you see the red cross there should be a problem. You can click each link just one time. Clicking each link a red line will be drown on it. It shows that you click it one time. Never open two link together. This way you increase your money in your account.
You can also increase your mony more and more by introducing your friends to "Bux.to". In order to do that, your friend must register throw your link which will be shown across the "To refer others, use:". If they register this way, you will earn money by them clickin the links, too. When they click the links, althogh they earn money by themselves, some mony will be sent to yor account, too. More your friends you invite, you will earn more by them.
"Note: I have more than 780 referrals and am earning money throw them."
How to check your ballance?
Clicking the "My State" will show you your ballance.
Here you can send your money to your Alertpay account by clicking "Cashout/Convert".
Note: low ballance won't be sent to alertpay account. You must earn at least 10$ to send it otherwise you will see the "(Whoops, you only have $1.2800 You must earn at least $10.00 to request payment via Alertpay)"
You can also buy referrals which is really financial.
Here you can see the minimum state bellow:
You click 10 ads per day = $0.10
Referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00
Your daily earnings = $2.10
Your weekly earnings = $14.70
Your monthly earnings = $63.00
Note: If you upgarde your account for one year, you can double your speed of earning money.
It as easy as you think, is'nt it?